Sport Taekwondo Event Sanctioning Policy & Procedure now available.

British Taekwondo is pleased to announce the launch of its Sport Taekwondo Event Sanctioning Policy & Procedure pilot for 2023.

To manage events effectively and fairly, and address the fundamental structural stresses that have been highlighted in the review of event sanctioning, a sanctioning system that balances the frequency, geographical spread and quality of domestic events will be adopted as a pilot scheme for 2023.

Please note that the policy applies to events from January 2023.

The pilot policy will be reviewed in March 2023.

We are now inviting Stage 1 requests for sanction.

You can find all of the details in the Sport Taekwondo Event Sanctioning Policy & Procedure, October 2022.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the policy.

We look forward to seeing and supporting the Taekwondo events taking place next year.

Document downloads:

POLICY Sport Taekwondo Event Sanctioning Policy Procedure 3