We are pleased to announce that British Taekwondo have updated our KUP grade certificates.
British Taekwondo offer these quality official National Governing Body certificates to approved KUP grading hosts to use in their clubs and groups.
- High quality, 250gsm well-designed A4 size British Taekwondo branded certificates, plus the new option to have a bespoke version with your club logo on it too!
Please use the form below to order British Taekwondo Certificates for KUP gradings.
If you have any questions about ordering certificates for KUP Gradings please contact membership.services@britishtaekwondo.org.
British Taekwondo KUP Certificate
All price lists include delivery

Number of certificates | Price | Price per certificate |
50 | £ 62.50 | £ 1.25 |
100 | £ 115.00 | £ 1.15 |
200 | £ 200.00 | £ 1.00 |
200+ | – | £ 1.00 |
British Taekwondo KUP Certificate (with club logo)
British Taekwondo will digitise your club logo for free if needed

Number of certificates | Price including delivery | Price per certificate |
50 | £ 87.50 | £ 1.75 |
100 | £ 165.00 | £ 1.65 |
200 | £ 300.00 | £ 1.50 |
200+ | POA | POA |
Kup Grading Certificate Order Form