Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion is about fairness, impartiality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them.
It involves developing the culture and structure of the organisation to ensure it becomes equally accessible to all members of society and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to realise their talent and full potential.
The purpose of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy is to encourage diversity and promote fair and equal treatment amongst our membership, and paid/volunteer workforces, job applicants, customers, suppliers and visitors; irrespective of any protected characteristics such as sex, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age, transgender status, pregnancy and maternity, and marriage or civil partnership (this list is not exhaustive).
Although many sport organisations maintain that they have an ‘open door’ policy, this has not necessarily changed the traditional levels of participation and involvement in sport. Research undertaken by Sport England and its partners shows that many sports have low participation levels by women and girls, ethnic minority groups, people with disabilities, and in some cases, young people, and these groups are therefore under-represented.
Insight into British Taekwondo’s membership currently shows:
Area | Details |
Gender | 61% male, 38% female, 1% transgender/prefer not to say. |
Age | 66% under 14 years of age; 14% between 14-17 years of age; 20% 18+. |
Religion | 63% have selected prefer not to say, 24% no religion, 7% identify as Christian, 3% Muslim, 1% Hindu and any other religion 2%. |
Disability | 2% have identified as having a disability. |
Ethnicity | 82% have selected prefer not to say. |
British Taekwondo is committed to ensuring that the culture, philosophy and processes within the organisation are free from bias and discrimination. Therefore extensive work will be undertaken to provide a greater level of insight into our membership through the collection of data.
We recognise that everyone has an important part to play in ensuring British Taekwondo is a genuinely inclusive organisation and there is a collective responsibility to ensure practices are fair and inclusive. By working together British Taekwondo can ensure there is genuine equity within the organisation.
Download British Taekwondo’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy.
Note (March 2022): British Taekwondo’s Transgender Inclusion Policy is currently under review.
If you would like to request any of the documents on this website in an alternative format please contact us by emailing safeguarding@britishtaekwondo.org or calling 07568 503791.
Implementing the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
The policy will be implemented through delivery against an action plan and British Taekwondo is committed to achieving the Preliminary Level of the Equality Standards Framework by March 2021.
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains current and links appropriately with other policies. Members, staff, contractors and their representatives will be consulted as part of the review process.
The principles of the policy will also be considered when developing other new organisational policies and procedures.
Any enquiries about the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy should be raised with British Taekwondo by emailing safeguarding@britishtaekwondo.org