Welfare Officers in British Taekwondo Clubs.
All clubs who work with Under 18’s must have a Club Welfare Officer to look after, protect children and deal with safeguarding concerns within their club.
As from 1st June 2024, all clubs who work with Under 18’s require a Club Welfare Officer to look after, protect children and deal with safeguarding concerns within their club. A Club Welfare Officer will be a mandatory requirement in order to affiliate your club from this date. As a member club, your Club Welfare Officer will benefit from ongoing support from British Taekwondo’s Safeguarding, HR and Compliance Manager.
The role of a Club Welfare Officer
If you’re a club who has young people under the age of 18, it’s your responsibility to make sure those people are in a safe and welcoming environment.
Appointing a Club Welfare Officer is a really good way of doing this as it means there is a dedicated individual who the young people, coaches and parents can go to.
It not only helps protect young people against abuse of any kind, but aids in educating coaches, volunteers and committee members on good practice, processes & procedures, what to do if they have any concerns about a young person’s safety and helps embed good practice within the club.
Club Welfare Officers don’t have to be safeguarding experts, they just need to be someone who is passionate about protecting children and ensure that club’s adhere to British Taekwondo’s policies. The specific roles and responsibilities of a welfare officer can be found in our Club Welfare Officer Role Description document in our Policies & Documents section.
They also need to be someone who can assist British Taekwondo in any investigation/concern that is raised against the club, this involves:
- Being a point of contact between the club and NGB for when concerns are raised against the club
- Being able to collate evidence/information regarding concerns
- Being able to collect statements/witness accounts of any concern
- Being able to compile any evidence in a suitable manner that can be submitted to British Taekwondo
A great way to support your position as Club Welfare Officer is to display a poster, available from The Child Protection in Sport Unit, at training and competitions to get the message out and get people taking action to keep young people safe in Taekwondo. The aim of the poster is to provide information to all young people about who to contact if they have any concerns over their safety.