Safeguarding Training.
You may be a safeguarding guru or a complete novice, but there is always something new to learn when it comes to safeguarding and child protection.
If you are working with under 18’s you must undergo safeguarding training, this page is to provide more information on the different and varying courses/training and research that safeguarding encompasses to help educate and promote continued learning in safeguarding.
Mandatory Training for Coaches
England and Wales
You are required to complete an introductory safeguarding children course. We recommend the NSPCC Safeguarding children in sport and physical activity elearning course which you can book directly with the NSPCC, however we do have a further list of British Taekwondo approved courses which can be found in the link below.
The purpose of this course is to help you understand what safeguarding is and what you need to put in place to help safeguard children and young people, as well as promote a safe environment for everyone involved in sport.
By the end of the course you’ll be able to:
- identify what is meant by child abuse and safeguarding.
- recognise, respond, report and record concerns about the safety and welfare of a child or young person.
- describe the types, signs and indicators of abuse and neglect.
- apply good safeguarding and child protection practice to your sport or physical activity setting.
- describe how sport and physical activity settings can put safeguards in place.
The training is valid for three years, at which point a refresher course must be taken.
Each home nation also has its own training requirements. Please see the relevant websites: