Safeguarding Training.

You may be a safeguarding guru or a complete novice, but there is always something new to learn when it comes to safeguarding and child protection.

If you are working with under 18’s you must undergo safeguarding training, this page is to provide more information on the different and varying courses/training and research that safeguarding encompasses to help educate and promote continued learning in safeguarding.

Mandatory Training for Coaches

England and Wales

You are required to complete an introductory safeguarding children course. We recommend the NSPCC Safeguarding children in sport and physical activity elearning course which you can book directly with the NSPCC, however we do have a further list of British Taekwondo approved courses which can be found in the link below.

The purpose of this course is to help you understand what safeguarding is and what you need to put in place to help safeguard children and young people, as well as promote a safe environment for everyone involved in sport.

By the end of the course you’ll be able to:

  • identify what is meant by child abuse and safeguarding.
  • recognise, respond, report and record concerns about the safety and welfare of a child or young person.
  • describe the types, signs and indicators of abuse and neglect.
  • apply good safeguarding and child protection practice to your sport or physical activity setting.
  • describe how sport and physical activity settings can put safeguards in place.

The training is valid for three years, at which point a refresher course must be taken.

Each home nation also has its own training requirements. Please see the relevant websites:

Mandatory Training for Welfare Officers

Course One: You are required to complete an introductory safeguarding children course.

We recommend the NSPCC Safeguarding children in sport and physical activity elearning course which you can book directly with the NSPCC, however we do have a further list of British Taekwondo approved courses which can be found here.

The purpose of this course is to help you understand what safeguarding is and what you need to put in place to help safeguard children and young people, as well as promote a safe environment for everyone involved in sport.

By the end of the course you’ll be able to:

  • identify what is meant by child abuse and safeguarding.
  • recognise, respond, report and record concerns about the safety and welfare of a child or young person.
  • describe the types, signs and indicators of abuse and neglect.
  • apply good safeguarding and child protection practice to your sport or physical activity setting.
  • describe how sport and physical activity settings can put safeguards in place.

Course Two: Time To Listen

Developed by CPSU, this is currently a 3-hour online course. This course can be booked directly through UK Coaching or Sports Structures.

This course looks in more depth at the role of the Welfare Officer.

The above course does not accommodate under 18’s, instead UK Coaching have set up a ‘Safeguarding for Young Volunteers’ course for those aged 16 & 17 which provides young coaches, officials, volunteers and sports leaders, with age-appropriate safeguarding information. It’s the ideal environment for young coaches, referees, officials and volunteers to develop their confidence in how to identify what abuse of a child in sport may look like, how they should take action appropriate to their age and status, and how to keep themselves safe in sport.

For further information please contact Sarah Howard, Safeguarding, HR and Compliance Manager at

There are two courses required for welfare officers in Scotland.

Part 1

CWPS (Child Wellbeing & protection in Sport) was developed in partnership with Children 1st and now takes a blended learning approach. This now includes an online module (module 1) which is theory-based followed by a face-to-face or Virtual learning intervention (module 2). This is suitable for people (+16 years old) who are involved in sports organisations that have under 18 participants. It is targeted at all practitioners e.g. all coaches and volunteers working and volunteering directly with children and young people.

Part 2

Child Wellbeing and Protection Officers Training is suitable for individuals responsible for leading their club or organisation in the wellbeing and protection of children and young people. Learners will have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills to manage concerns through the use of interactive case studies and group work.

Course 1 – Safeguarding Children and Young People Workshop 

This is delivered in two parts:

– Part one is pre-learning that participants are required to undertake in advance of the online workshop. This consists of a 25 minute video which provides important elements of the face-to-face workshop adapted to be undertaken prior to the virtual workshop. It is mandatory that participants undertake the pre-learning as they will be tested on their knowledge of it within the online workshop. They will also receive the Safeguarding Children and Young People Resource booklet which they should read through prior to the online workshop.

– Part two is an online virtual workshop via Zoom lasting approximately 100 minutes delivered by a tutor. Participants will be required to log onto Zoom via a link provided. Following introductions, the tutor will deliver the interactive workshop which lasts approximately 100 minutes plus a comfort break, so just less than 2 hours. Throughout the workshop participants will be expected to fully participate (with their cameras on) in polls and breakout rooms to test knowledge and promote discussion (just as in the face-to-face workshop).

Course 2 – Designated Safeguarding Officer Workshop

This Designated Officer Workshop aims to support those undertaking the role of Designated Safeguarding Children’s Officer in sports clubs including creating an awareness of key legislation and good practice, how to respond in a range of situations of concern and how to develop the standards of safeguarding within a club environment.  The 3 hour workshop is currently being delivered online in 2 x 1.5 hour sessions.  Both sessions need to be undertaken in order to complete the workshop.  The workshop format is online delivery with a tutor via Zoom including interactive polls and breakout rooms to knowledge check and promote discussion.

Please notes: Participants must have completed the Safeguarding Children and Young People Workshop prior to undertaking the Designated Officer Workshop.