Understanding Safeguarding is essential for all Taekwondo coaches, instructors and helpers.

It is essential for all these groups to understand your role and responsibilities for keeping children and young people safe during sport.

The NSPCC Child Protection in Sport and Physical Activity course is a useful tool for understanding how to keep young people safe within your Taekwondo club.


What will this course teach me?

  • Identify what is meant by child abuse and safeguarding.
  • Recognise, respond, report and record concerns about the safety and welfare of a child or young person.
  • Describe the types, signs and indicators of abuse and neglect.
  • Apply good safeguarding and child protection practice to your sport or physical activity setting.
  • Describe how sport and physical activity settings can put safeguards in place.

This course can be purchased through British Taekwondo at a reduced rate of £20, a saving of £5 from the price you would pay if the course was purchased directly from the NSPCC.

If you would like to access for the course at this reduced rate, please contact development@britishtaekwondo.org to register your interest and a member of the team will be in touch with you.

If you have any questions about Safeguarding within British Taekwondo, please review the Safeguarding section of our website or email safeguarding@britishtaekwondo.org.