Details of Club Welfare Officer Time To Listen courses

Sign up to find out more about Time To Listen courses for British Taekwondo Club Welfare Officers.

If you have a safeguarding issue in your club who do your members approach? Hopefully, your answer will be “Well, our Club Welfare Officer of course!”. However, there are still many clubs out there teaching under 18s and do not have a Club Welfare Officer in place.

Having a Club Welfare Officer is invaluable. It not only ensures that children and young people have someone to speak to in confidence, but it also frees up a great deal of time for those running clubs.

It will be mandatory for all British Taekwondo member clubs who teach under 18s to have a Club Welfare Officer in place by June 2024. This is in line with many other National Governing Bodies.

We are able to help you with your disclosure checks (e.g. DBS) and provide access to full training, including the NSPCC Safeguarding Children In Sport course and the Time To Listen course.

About the Time To Listen course:

In the Time To Listen online classrooms you will meet other club Welfare Officers and learn in detail how to deal with any concerns or disclosures.

Please complete the form below to register your interest in attending an upcoming Time To Listen course.

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