An interview with Karla Jaeger-Collins, a member of the Dorset Taekwondo Association.

As part of our 40th anniversary celebrations we’re sharing the stories of our members. In this feature Karla Jaeger-Collins, a member of the Dorset Taekwondo Association, talks about how and why she started Taekwondo in her forties and why you should try Taekwondo if you haven’t already.

A few weeks back our club held a grading, as my youngest was going for her green tag, I was pretty much there throughout all the gradings. Two other students and I got talking and found we all had something in common, we all started Taekwondo in our forties and the other thing we had in common was, we all almost didn’t.

Karla Jaeger Collins from the Dorset Taekwondo Association
We talked about our fear of starting, were we too old? would people laugh at us for starting now? And what then? What’s our purpose in Taekwondo? I mean, it’s not like we are going to do competitions having started Taekwondo in our forties!

But here I am at 48 years old, this year I competed in two national competitions, started my assistant coaching badge and I recently went up to London to train with British Taekwondo’s High-Performance Coaches at their Open Poomsae Seminar.

So here we are, the three forty somethings, talking about how glad we are that we didn’t give into our fear and so glad that we came along and tried it out. Because the other thing we all have in common is that we found our place. We’re a part of a club that gives its best to you and encourages you to give your best back. Everyone is valued and that filters down all the way through. You walk in and are greeted with a smile, and you leave with one. So, for anyone thinking of trying, do! You have a place! For those thinking of doing competitions or seminars, do! You will always walk away with something good.

My something good, is that I go to the competition with my kids who also started competing this year. They know I am always so nervous, but I compete anyway. I think that’s a good thing for them to see.

We have gotten to know the team we train with so well and we all support each other so much. This year, I won my first ever trophy, the first one in my entire life, so it’s never too late to try! That’s Taekwondo!

You can find out more about the Dorset Taekwondo Association on their website and by following them on Facebook and Instagram.

Photo: submitted.

If you would like to share your Taekwondo story please contact Richard Gottfried, Marketing, Digital & Media Manager via or 07706 342156.