Find out more about Range Sports UK.

If you’re looking for a reliable supplier of quality Taekwondo & martial arts training equipment, uniform and protective equipment, don’t pass on checking out the online shop with British Taekwondo’s official sponsors at Range Sports UK Ltd.

Range is a UK-based brand selling quality affordable martials arts merchandise and sporting wares catered for the Dojang, promoting equipment that’s not only exceptionally high-quality but also a cheaper alternative to other brands in the UK, and the established distributor of Jcalicu World Taekwondo Approved merchandise for Great Britain.

A handy tip for new clubs, coaches, athletes and aspiring kyorugi competitors, Range’s line of sparring protective equipment is accepted for use at UK based sparring competition, making it an excellent and cost effective choice of equipment for use in the Dojang and at UK-based sparring competitions!