Member Health & Safety in 2024.
Here are 10 tips to ensure your Taekwondo club is ready for 2024.
- Make sure your British Taekwondo Club Registration is up-to-date and check that all Club Instructors/Coaches have up-to-date British Taekwondo Membership, Instructor Insurance and a current criminal records check/disclosure (or know when to renew it).
- Check that your members have up-to-date British Taekwondo Membership or know when to renew it. This enables continued access to British Taekwondo insurance cover.
- Review your list of Member Emergency Contact Numbers – is it up-to-date?
- Check your list of Members for any declared/known medical issues, remind yourself and your Assistants and be aware of these conditions when training.
- Before starting your next lesson – do a Risk Assessment on the venue – has anything changed? Are measures in place to protect against any known hazards?
- When starting your next session – brief your members on Fire Exits, Emergency Alerts, Hazards, Medical provision etc.
- Check you have medical cover for every session and/or check your Emergency First Aid at Work Certificate is still valid (or arrange to refresh).
- Check your First Aid kit – has it been used? Check it is fully stocked.
- Do the free online, 15-minute TeachAids CrashCourse concussion education on the British Taekwondo website – be more aware of the impact of concussion injuries.
- Continue to report any injuries which require review by a GP, A&E or Dentist; also, whenever a member misses work or school due to the injury, and finally whenever there is a concussion injury where you have issued a Head Injury Suspension/Protection Notice.
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