Today is Concussion Awareness Day.
Have you taken the free-to-use short course to learn more about concussion and head injury in sport?
Take the CrashCourse free-to-use Concussion Education course to learn more about concussion and head injury in sport.
British Taekwondo launched the free-to-use Concussion Education programme in 2022 as part of our overall duty of care and our commitment to all British Taekwondo members.
It’s been excellent to see so many members, coaches and clubs using the resource and we encourage new and experienced members to explore the subject by following the course.
The CrashCourse Concussion Education programme consists of three online videos that include a 12-minute video on Concussion Education, an 8-minute video on a Brain Fly-Through and a Concussion Story Wall covering the effects of concussion on athletes from many sports.
You can find all the details on our CrashCourse Concussion Education programme page.
About TeachAids and CrashCourse
British Taekwondo joined TeachAids earlier this year to help bring the latest education around brain injuries to our membership. TeachAids is a nonprofit leader in global education innovation. Spun out of research from Stanford University, TeachAids developed the CrashCourse concussion education product suite in collaboration with world-class medical, sports and education experts. British Taekwondo is distributing TeachAids’ award-winning, free, video-based interactive learning experiences.
These products aim to raise awareness of the latest science around concussions to shift the conversation away from fear and silence toward one of knowledge and empowerment. CrashCourse was designed to educate those interested in promoting brain health including the entire sports community of players, parents, coaches and officials.
If you have any questions or comments about CrashCourse please contact Tom Stammer, British Taekwondo – Member Health and Safety Advisor at
Take the CrashCourse Concussion Education course
This core CrashCourse Concussion Education product was created with user-centered formative design research studies. It synthesises first-person and third-person experiential perspectives to inform and motivate learning about concussion signs and symptoms, correcting myths and misconceptions, recognising the seriousness of reporting and understanding the importance of working with a medical professional to determine the best strategies for improvement. It integrates these topics into a narrative, story-driven format with the learner at the centre of the education experience.
Upon receiving a concussion, the learner is faced with a moral dilemma: to “Take a Knee” or “Stay in the Game.” This 12-minute production can be accessed through this link, or in the video on this page.
At the end of this 12-minute video course, you will have the opportunity to answer questions to test your knowledge. Take the Concussion CrashCourse Quiz by clicking here.
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