Details of changes to Health & Safety Reporting.

We’d like to draw your attending to the recent updates and amendments to the Member Health & Safety Guidelines.

Please be advised of the following changes to British Taekwondo Member Health & Safety Guidelines and processes.

Reporting of Accidents and Head Injuries

This process has now been combined into a single guideline in this document – 03. Reporting of Accidents and Head Injuries.

The combined Form required for both is now also available in this document – 04. Report Form – Accident and Head Injuries.

This change recognizes that, through our Concussion Education Program, our Instructors, Coaches, Referees and Event Medics are the best people to observe anyone who has been unconscious (for any length of time) or is suffering with symptoms of concussion.

As this is the case these people are the best positioned to issue the Head Injury Suspension/Protection Notice for a period which is based upon the age of the inured party. This is issued at the time of the injury and gives immediate advice, the suspension period, ongoing symptoms to look out for, rest periods and how to return to play.

Page 2 of the Report Form is given to the inured party at the time of the incident marked with the suspension time.

Page 1 is returned to British Taekwondo Membership Services with the details of the suspension period plus the who, when, what, why and how of the incident.

Event Plans

These model Plans give best practice for arranging good quality and safe events:

05. Sport Event Plan

06. Poomsae Event Plan

In future these should be prepared by Event Hosts and submitted to the British Taekwondo Event Chief Referee or Referee Director for review prior to the event. This gives the Referee chance to review all event details which they would then expect to see in place of the day of the event (e.g. No of Courts, layout, spacing, spectators etc.).

Regarding Medical requirements for British Taekwondo Events – these are now summarised in this separate Health & Safety Guideline – 18. Medical Requirements.

Visit the Member Health & Safety page for further information.
