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British Taekwondo’s Sport Referee Department will be holding a training day at Quest Taekwondo in Sheffield on Sunday 20th August.

Referee Training Day – 9am – 5pm

  • This training session will give referees the chance to referee with no pressure.
  • The price to attend the Referee Training Day is £10.

Class 3 Corner Judge Course – 9am – 1pm

Application forms to attend

Interested applicants will need to complete the following forms:


The venue for the day is:

  • Quest Taekwondo, Unit 1, Marrtree Business Park, Oxspring, Sheffield S36 8ZP

Future training sessions

Moving forward future training days will be built into the calendar across the country to ensure as many people as possible have the opportunity to attend.

If you have any questions or need further information about this training day please contact education.sportreferees@britishtaekwondo.org