Posters available for use in your Taekwondo club.

The Child Protection in Sport Unit has two posters available for use in your Taekwondo club.

The posters can be printed and displayed within your Taekwondo club. There are blank spaces on each to allow you to add the details of your club’s Welfare Officer.

Club Welfare Officer Poster - Who to speak to
Club Welfare Officer Poster - Who to speak to

About the Child Protection in Sport Unit

The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) is part of the NSPCC and is funded by Sport England, Sport Northern Ireland, Sport Wales, UK Sport and The Football Association.

Welfare Officers in British Taekwondo clubs

All clubs who work with Under 18’s must have a Club Welfare Officer to look after, protect children and deal with safeguarding concerns within their club.

As from 1st June 2024, all clubs who work with Under 18’s require a Club Welfare Officer to look after, protect children and deal with safeguarding concerns within their club. A Club Welfare Officer will be a mandatory requirement in order to affiliate your club from this date. As a member club, your Club Welfare Officer will benefit from ongoing support from British Taekwondo’s Safeguarding, HR and Compliance Manager.