Anti-Doping Annual Review – December 2023.

Following British Taekwondo Board review and approval at the November Board Meeting, this summary was approved for issue to the membership as an overview of British Taekwondo’s Anti-Doping activities in 2023.

Key Achievement in 2023: British Taekwondo has a current level of Compliance of 100% against the UKAD Anti-Doping Assurance Framework

During 2023 British Taekwondo became 100% compliant under the requirements of the UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) Assurance Framework.

British Taekwondo now has in place a nominated Anti-Doping (AD) Board Member in Mathew Barnes, and an AD Lead in Tom Stammer. As part of the compliance process a British Taekwondo Anti-Doping Education Strategy and Training Plan have been developed and put in place. We continue to monitor progress which is currently over 70%.

British Taekwondo members are now being regularly offered opportunities to join UKAD webinars and seminars through our website news and via social media posts and encouraged to download the UKAD App – 100% Me.

Likewise, British Taekwondo has supported the International Testing Agency (ITA) who are the preferred provider of AD services to World Taekwondo. Educational opportunities via the ITA are also offered to British Taekwondo members.

In the period UKAD produced an Assurance Framework Progress Report which listed all fully compliant NGB’s including British Taekwondo and GB Taekwondo. No other Taekwondo NGB’s were listed.
British Taekwondo also supported the UKAD Clean Sport Week campaign in May with the issue of social media and website features.

In November 2023 British Taekwondo amended the British Taekwondo Anti-Doping website page to include the WADA 2024 Prohibited List and a Summary of the Changes for 2024. This was followed up with a British Taekwondo News item and via numerous British Taekwondo social media sites and notifications.

In addition, in November, British Taekwondo sent an email directly to all British Taekwondo Coaches and Senior Athletes who participate as individuals and for Club Teams in National and International level events where testing could occur (e.g., WT G level internationals such as the Dutch open etc.). This advised each of the new 2024 Prohibited List, the key changes and also confirmed a strict liability position for each of them should they be tested.

No actual testing of athletes has yet been carried out at any British Taekwondo events and we remain very much in the education phase for all our Athletes and their Coaching/Support teams.

Good progress in 2023.